Don't know if this had anything to do with the wine we had last night, but I woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep. Once that happens, then I'm up all day until it's time for bed that night. Finally made it there by 10.
Finally figured out tonight that I don't like Merlot. I'm not a big wine fan as it is, but the faces I made tonight kind of cemented the Merlot thing for me.
Just watched that time-warping movie, "Memento." Very postmodern. The scenes are all stitched together backwards, and there's lots of writing and polaroids involved.
It was another one of those not-enough-sleep kind of nights. So I spent three hours working on a syllabus. Got a run in. Got another postcard designed and ordered. Pizza and pretzels for dinner.
Yesterday's drawing was so sucky, I'm not even going to post it. Trust me on this one. Anyway, we went biking from Ohiopyle to Confluence today. What a beautiful day! Breakfast at Brady's (we Rotted them) and lunch at River's Edge (Rotted them too).
We're digging a spot in the yard to put the cement for the building we're going to put up to hold the stuff from the garage which we're turning into a studio. I get to be dirt leveler in the spot where the dirt gets moved.