Okay. So I'm noticing a pattern here. Illustration Friday seems to be the only time I take the time to blog. Maybe after the semester's over things will calm down a bit. Hoping so!How about this poor little guy? For IF, thinking about how clear a pane of glass can be. If humans would just leave the dirt on the windows...
This one was for an article about secondhand smoke and kids. You can see the original article in the paper here (they still have it up!). It's really hard to tell what's going on in the smaller version, but if you click on it, you can see it biggie-sized. When it ran originally, it spread across the full six-column format of the paper, so size wasn't a problem.
How about a weather vane? Even though I grew up on a farm, we never had one. But really, is anyone actually certain of the agricultural value of knowing which direction the wind is blowing anyway? Even so, I still think they're pretty neat to look at.